Thursday, October 18, 2007

46 Ways Children Can Change Our Lives

My mother loved children -- she would have given anything if I had been one. Groucho Marx (1890 - 1977)

This morning I caught a commuter train to work. A couple of stops into my journey to work, a kid sat beside me. The behaviour of the child gave me inspiration to write this article and also think about my own.

There is a child in all of us but as an Adult we become complicated and make life difficult; we set boundaries and limitations on our life. Adult’s find ways to tap into your childhood behaviours and wish we were Children again.
Why do children have no fear? Please read on…

Traits of children...
They try anything and everything and find a way no matter what
They talk loud in quiet places, e.g. on a packed train full of adults
They ask lots of questions
They have no meaning of personal space
They love the environment
They love animals
They love life
They have no boundaries or limitations
They fall, stumble but get up and keep going e.g. riding a bike
They don’t quit
They follow each other
They have no Fear
They are happy and joyful
They melt our hearts
They mean everything to us
Their ideas WILL shape our world
They are big dreamers
They have a great Attitude

Our children change us... whether they live or not.
Lois McMaster Bujold, "Barrayar", 1991

They are cute, cuddly and warm hearted
They bring the child out in us!
They have creative minds
They don’t have to travel overseas to search for a better life
They enjoy their surroundings
They like playing games
They have an abundance of energy
They have no sense of right or wrong
They push our boundaries
They look you in the eye with no fear or trepidation
They bring families closer
They are the centre of attraction
They are demanding
They will dress in fashionable clothing
They do the funniset things when you least expect it
They easily bond with each other in rapid time
They don’t view race, colour or creed as a hindrance
They make us laugh
They make us cry
They rarely swear
They are not abusive
They are kind
They are innocent
They are fresh
They have an abundance of life
They make adults reflect on their childhood
They are not complicated
They are our future

Who wants to be a child again?

We can all take a leaf out of a child’s life. I don’t mean we have to play on swings and do cart wheels at random; however there are certain traits that we could adapt as adults. Think about it.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

How very true. I have an 8 month old son, and the way he approaches life - his curiousness, his happy approach to life, his innocence - inspire me each day.

MichaelR said...

Peter, I'm glad you see inspiration through your childs eyes. It's the best feeling. If more parents and people in general could step a back and watch kids, its amazing what you can learn from them.
